Express Ride Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Express Ride

Last updated: March 20, 2023


Welcome to the privacy policy of Express Ride (hereafter referred to as ER). In this document, we explain how we handle and protect the personal information we collect from our customers and drivers (hereafter collectively referred to as users). It is important that you read this policy carefully before using our service.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws and take measures to protect the personal information we collect.

We use this information to provide you with the requested service, as well as to improve our service and personalize your experience. We do not share your personal information with third parties, except where necessary to provide you with the service or where required by law.

We take security measures to protect the personal information collected through the use of encryption techniques and limiting access to the information to those who need it to provide you with the service.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us through our website. We are committed to transparency and will do our best to respond to your questions and concerns in a timely manner.

Thank you for trusting Express Ride. We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing you with exceptional service.


This privacy policy applies to all users of ER, and to all technologies and services in our network, including our platforms and applications, websites, facilities, and other services. This policy applies only to personal information, not to aggregated information or information that does not identify you. Please review this privacy policy and our terms of service carefully before beginning to use the ER platform.

Information We Collect

To become a user of the ER platform, whether a traveler or a driver, and to start using our services, it will be necessary to collect a series of personal information and information about the equipment and devices you will be using with our platform. We also collect information about you from other sources, such as service providers and optional programs in which you participate, which we may combine with other information we have about you. These are the types of information we collect about you:


A. Registration Information

When you create an account with Express Ride, our platform will ask you to enter a series of information necessary for your registration, such as your name, email address, phone number, date of birth, profile picture, and payment information. You can choose to share additional information with us for your traveler profile, such as saved addresses or preferred places (e.g., home or work). We may ask you to provide additional information related to your account identity (e.g., driver’s license), a profile picture, or “selfie” images. If you want to participate in other additional offers on our Platform (e.g., services for your vehicle or linking to other accounts like travel rewards and bonuses), you can provide us with additional relevant information for those offers.


  • Information Required to Create Your Driver Profile

If you apply to be a driver, we will collect the information you provide in your application, including your full name, phone number, email address, driver’s license number, social security number, date of birth, profile picture, physical address. We will also need license information, vehicle information, and car insurance information. We collect payment information that you provide to us, including account numbers for direct deposits and bank routing numbers. We may need additional information from you at some point to complete your registration and approval, including information to confirm your identity (such as “selfie” images).


  • Ratings and Feedback

After each ride, both the passenger and the driver will have the opportunity to provide a rating on the ER platform and give feedback on the service provided. We collect all information provided for study and improvement purposes for the platform and the provision of services. The provided data will be stored in the record of each passenger or driver.



B. Information We Collect When You Use the Express Ride Platform
  • Location Information

When you request a ride with ER, our platform collects your location information through the data provided by the device with which you make the request, according to the settings and permissions you grant to your device for our application, including GPS and WiFi data, IP address, and Bluetooth data, as well as whether you are using the platform as a passenger or driver:

Passengers: We collect the precise location of your device when you open and use the ER application, even while the application is running in the background from the moment you request a ride until it ends.

Drivers: We collect the precise location of your device when you open and use the application, whether you are waiting for a ride, on your way to pick up a passenger, or completing a trip. We also collect precise location for a limited time after you exit driver mode to detect trip incidents, and we continue to collect data until a reported or detected incident is no longer active.

Usage Information: Our platform collects information about your use, including trip information such as date, time, destination, distance, route, payment, and if you used a promo or referral code. We also collect information about your interactions with the ER platform, such as our applications and websites, including the pages and content you view and the dates and times of your use.

Device Information: We collect information about the devices you use to access ER, including device model, IP address, browser type, operating system version, operator and manufacturer identity, radio type (such as 4G or 5G), preferences and settings (such as preferred language), app installations, device identifiers, advertising identifiers, and automatic notification tokens. If you are a driver, we also collect mobile sensor data from your device (such as speed, direction, altitude, acceleration, deceleration, and other technical data).

Address Book Contacts: You can configure your device permissions to grant ER access to your contact lists and opt-in for us to access your contact list to help you recommend friends to the platform. If you choose to do so, we will access the names and contact information of people in your address book.


C. Information We Collect from Other Sources

Service Providers: Service providers provide us with the necessary information for the core aspects of the ER platform, as well as additional services, programs, and promotions that can enhance your experience with ER. These service providers include background check companies, insurance providers, financial services providers, marketing providers, and other companies. We obtain the following information about you from these parties:


  • Information to make the ER Platform safer, such as background checks or identity verification information.
  • Information about your participation in third-party programs, which provide things like insurance coverage and financial instruments, information about insurance, payments, transactions, and fraud detection.
  • Information about you provided by specific services, such as vehicle information, demographic data, and market segments.
  • Referral programs. If someone refers you to ER, we will collect information about you from that referral, including your name and contact information.

Other users and sources. Other users or public or third-party sources, such as law enforcement, insurers, media, or pedestrians, may provide us with information about you, for example, as part of an investigation into an incident or to provide you with support.

How we use your information:

We use your personal information to:

  • Provide the ER Platform
  • Protect the ER Platform and its users
  • Provide customer support
  • Improve the ER Platform
  • Respond to legal procedures and obligations

Provide the ER platform:

At the ER Platform, our top priority is to provide you with a safe and efficient service, which requires the collection of certain personal information from both customers and drivers. It is important to note that all the information we collect is used for various purposes, all aimed at improving the quality of our service and ensuring the safety of all users.

Among the purposes for which we use your personal information are:

  • Verify your identity and maintain your account, settings, and preferences: We collect your personal information to verify your identity, which allows us to maintain your account and ensure its security. We also use your personal information to personalize your experience on the platform.
  • Connect you to your trips and track your progress: This allows us to provide you with a more comfortable and safe travel experience.
  • Provide you with various offers from the ER Platform: We use your personal information to provide you with personalized offers and improve your experience on the platform.
  • Calculate prices and process payments: We use your personal information to calculate trip prices and process corresponding payments.
  • Allow Passengers and Drivers to connect regarding their trip and choose to share their location with others: We use your personal information to allow passengers and drivers to connect and communicate during the trip. Additionally, we offer you the option to share your location with other users to improve your travel experience and ensure that a trusted person can monitor your trip from start to finish.
  • Communicate with you about your use of the ER Platform and your experience: We use your personal information to communicate with you about your use of the platform, as well as to send you relevant information and updates about the service.
  • Collect feedback on your experience: We use your personal information to collect feedback on your experience on the platform and improve our services accordingly.
  • Facilitate additional services and programs with third parties: We use your personal information to facilitate additional services and programs with third parties, which allows us to offer you a more complete and satisfying travel experience, as well as other products and services that may suit your profile.

Protecting the ER Platform and its Users.

Providing a safe experience drives our platform, both on the road and in our applications. To do this, we use your personal information to:

  • Authenticate and verify users.
  • Verify that Drivers and their vehicles meet safety requirements.
  • Investigate and resolve incidents, accidents, and insurance claims.
  • Encourage safe driving behavior and prevent unsafe activities.
  • Detect and prevent fraud.
  • Block and remove unsafe or fraudulent users from the ER platform.

Providing Customer Support.

At the ER Platform, we work hard to provide you with the best possible experience and support when you need it. We understand that an issue or question can arise at any time during your experience with us, and we want to ensure that you have access to the help and support you need. To do this, we use your personal information to identify your account and specific details of your situation, allowing us to investigate and provide you with an effective solution.

To achieve this, we use your personal information to investigate and help you resolve any questions or issues you may have regarding our platform. We take customer satisfaction very seriously and strive to ensure that each of our users receives the best possible service.

Improving the ER Platform.

At our ER company, we are committed to offering our users an innovative and constantly evolving platform. To achieve this, we work tirelessly to improve the user experience and offer new useful features and tools.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to collect personal information from users. This information is used to conduct research, testing, and analysis in order to improve the platform and offer new products and services. It is also used to develop new features and partnerships that may enhance the user experience.

In addition, we use our users’ personal information to prevent, detect, and resolve software or hardware errors and issues. This allows us to ensure optimal platform performance and offer a seamless experience to our users.

Finally, we monitor and improve our operations and processes, including security practices, algorithms, and other models. This allows us to ensure that the platform meets the highest standards of security and user privacy protection.

Response to Legal Procedures and Requirements.

In our commitment to privacy and protection of our users’ personal information, we strive to ensure that it is used responsibly and legally. However, in some instances, the law, government entities, or other regulatory bodies may impose demands and obligations that we must comply with in relation to the services we provide.

In such circumstances, we are compelled to respond to these legal procedures and requirements, and in some cases, may need to use our users’ personal information to do so. These demands and obligations may include court orders, subpoenas, information requests, and other types of legal demands.

It is important to note that when we respond to these legal procedures and requirements, we do so in compliance with our legal obligations and always seek to minimize any impact on our users’ privacy and security. We take steps to ensure that any disclosure of personal information is limited and only the necessary information is provided to fulfill legal obligations.

How we share your information

On our ER platform, we value the privacy and security of our users’ personal information. Therefore, we want to make it clear that we do not sell your personal information to third parties in exchange for money, nor do we allow anyone to buy it. Additionally, we do not act as data intermediaries.

However, we may need to share your personal information with other users, third parties, and service providers for the ER platform to function properly and to send you relevant personalized ads inside and outside the platform. These disclosures are necessary to provide our services, including communication between users and conducting transactions.

It is important to note that in some cases, these disclosures may constitute “sharing” or “selling” personal information under certain U.S. state privacy laws. Despite this, we only share your personal information when necessary and with your explicit consent.

For example, we may need to share your personal information with a third party that helps us provide you with customer service or data analysis services. We may also share your personal information with other users of the platform so that they can communicate with you regarding a specific ER service.

In summary, we share your personal information responsibly and only when necessary to provide our services. We always ensure that your privacy and security rights are protected and respected. This section explains when and why we share your information.

A. Sharing among ER users.

Passengers and Drivers.

Passenger information shared with the driver: as part of the ride request submission and enabling of the ride, we share with the driver the pickup and drop-off location of the passenger, the passenger’s name, profile photo (if available), rating, and any information the traveler includes in their profile, as well as any additional stops the traveler enters into the ER app. Once the ride is completed, we eventually also share the passenger’s rating and comments with the driver.

Driver information shared with the passenger: whenever a driver accepts a requested ride or a booked ride, we will share with the passenger the driver’s name, profile photo, rating, and real-time location. Additionally, we will share with the passenger the make, model, color, and license plate of the car providing the requested service; this will help the traveler identify the vehicle as soon as it is in sight.

Referral programs. If you refer someone to the ER platform, we will inform them that you generated the referral. If another user referred you, we may share information about your use of the ER Platform with that user. For example, a referral source may receive a bonus when they join the ER Platform or complete a certain number of rides and would receive such information.

B. Sharing with service providers to provide the ER platform and other parties.

Depending on whether you are a Passenger or a Driver, ER may share the following categories of your personal information to provide you with a variety of functions and services on our platform:

Personal identifiers, such as your name, address, email address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, driver’s license information, vehicle information, and auto insurance information.

Financial information, such as bank routing numbers, tax information, and any payment information you provide us.

Commercial information, such as trip information, driver/passenger statistics and feedback, and driver/passenger transaction history.

Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system version, carrier and/or manufacturer, device identifiers, and mobile advertising identifiers, location data.

When you choose to link your ER account with a travel rewards program or when you choose to participate with an offer from another company through the ER Platform; we may need to share the above-mentioned information and some other information.

We disclose those categories of personal information to these other parties and service providers to fulfill the following purposes:

  • Maintaining and servicing your ER account
  • Processing or completing trips or other offers on the ER Platform
  • Providing customer service to you
  • Processing transactions and payments
  • Processing driver applications
  • Verifying user identities
  • Detecting and preventing fraud and unsafe activities
  • Processing insurance claims
  • Supplying driver promotional and loyalty programs
  • Providing marketing and advertising services to ER
  • Providing requested emergency services
  • Providing analysis services to ER
  • Conducting research to develop and improve the ER Platform

C. For legal purposes and to protect the ER platform.

We may share your personal information in response to a legal obligation, or if we have determined that sharing your personal information is reasonably necessary or appropriate to:

Comply with any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation, civil, criminal or regulatory inquiry, investigation or legal process, enforceable government request or requirement as a condition to operate (e.g., permit, license, or operating agreement);

Respond to a legal process (such as a search warrant, subpoena, summons, or court order).

Enforce our Terms of Service.

Cooperate with law enforcement agencies in connection with conduct or activities that we reasonably and in good faith believe may violate federal, state, or local laws; or

Exercise or defend legal claims, protect against harm to our rights, property, interests, or safety or the rights, property, interests, or safety of you, third parties, or the public as required or permitted by law.

D. In connection with the sale or merger with other companies.

We may share your personal information during negotiations or in connection with a corporate control change, such as a restructuring, merger, or sale of our assets.

How we store and protect your information

We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide you and our other users with the ER Platform. This means we keep your profile information as long as you have an account. We retain transactional information, such as trips and payments, for at least seven years to ensure that we can perform legitimate business functions, such as accounting for tax obligations. We also retain your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our terms and policies. If you request deletion of your account, we will delete your information as set forth in the “Deleting Your Account” section.

We take reasonable and appropriate measures designed to protect your personal information, but no security measure can be 100% effective, and we cannot guarantee 100% security of your information, even against unauthorized intrusions or acts of third parties.


Your Rights and Options with Respect to Your Data

As explained below, ER provides you with ways to access and delete your personal information, as well as to exercise applicable data rights that give you some control over your personal information.


Email Subscription. You can always unsubscribe from our commercial or promotional emails by clicking unsubscribe in those messages. We will still send you transactional and relational emails about your use of the ER Platform.


Push Notifications. You can opt out of receiving automatic notifications through your device settings. Please note that opting out of automatic notifications may affect your use of the ER platform (such as receiving a notification that your trip has arrived).


Profile Information. You can review and edit certain information directly in your profile created on the mobile application. Soon we will connect the mobile application with your profile on the platform’s website.


Location Information. You can prevent your device from sharing location information through your device’s system settings. You should know that if you do not agree to share your location with the platform, it may affect ER’s ability to provide you with our full range of features and services.


Cookie Tracking. You can modify cookie settings in your browser.


Access to Your Information. If you want to access your personal information, you just need to enter your profile on the application and from there you can make updates to your personal and vehicle data. You can also view data related to trip history, balances, and payment information. In addition, you may have some information included in things we have sent you, such as trip receipts.


Deletion of Your Account. If you want to delete your ER account, just go to your mobile application and unsubscribe by clicking the delete account button. In some cases, we may not be able to delete your account if there is an issue related to trust, security, or fraud. When we delete your account, we may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes or to comply with legal or regulatory obligations. For example, we may retain your information to resolve open insurance claims, or we may be required to retain your information as part of an open legal claim. When we retain such data, we do so in a manner designed to prevent its use for other purposes.


Children’s Data. ER is not directed at children and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16. If we discover that a child under the age of 16 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete that information. If you believe that a child under the age of 16 has provided us with personal information, please contact us urgently and we will delete your information.


Links to Third-Party Websites. ER may contain links or references to third-party websites, products, or services. Those third parties may have different privacy policies than ours. We are not responsible for those third parties and their websites, products, or services, and we recommend that you review their policies. Please contact those parties directly if you have any questions about their privacy policies.


Changes to this Privacy Policy. We may update this policy from time to time as we update the platform and privacy law evolves. Whenever updates are made, we will notify you in advance through the mobile application, website, text messages, or email. These notifications you receive will be to notify you of the update and to review the new terms and accept them if you agree. You can never use the platform without first reviewing the terms of service and our privacy policy.



Contact Us. If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy or anything in this policy, including if you need to access this policy in an alternative format, we encourage you to contact us.